Posture is a very under looked aspect in someone’s physical and mental health.
When we have good posture, our spine is stacked in an ideal way where it is functioning optimally and our nervous system is has no interferences. It makes our body move efficiently, nervous system function properly and makes us feel great ie. It makes us Move, Feel and Look better
The spinal cord is the big nerve in the spine that is the gateway for control for the rest of our body. It needs to have a optimal environment for it to be functioning wellIf this gateway is under constant stress or damage different areas the body will stop working efficiently Ie. The brain wont control certain areas very wellSo if you’re sitting for 8-12 HOURS a day, 5 DAYS a WEEK for SEVERAL YEARS, then that’s a lot STRESS through this structure and things will stop working properly i.e.
Poor circulation
Poor body control
Poor breathing patterns
Poor sleep
Having poor upper body posture ie. Slouched rounded posture, can lead to neck/shoulder and arm injuries as well as other issues including breathing and concentration issues.Do slumped and upright postures affect stress responses? A randomised trialConclusions: Adopting an upright-seated posture in the face of stress can maintain self-esteem, reduce negative mood, and increase positive mood compared to a slumped posture.Sitting upright may be a simple behavioural strategy to help build resilience to stress.
Handy tips in the office
Lumbar Support: Can help prevent the time in a slouching position, Supports natural lower back curve
Taking small walk breaks every hour: Set an alarm on your phone or smart watch!
Using a Sit to Stand Desk, Ideally alternating between 1-2 hours sitting & 1 hours standing