
Exercise without exercising, have you heard of the term NEAT?

Have you heard of the term NEAT? It stands for non-exercises activity thermogenesis.

What is it? is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise. It ranges from the energy expended walking to work, typing, performing housework work, taking the stairs to the office and fidgeting. The amount of NEAT that human subjects perform represents the product of the amount and types of physical activities and the thermogenic cost of each activity

The factors that impact a human’s NEAT are readily divisible into environmental factors, such as occupation or dwelling within a “concrete jungle,” and biological factors such as weight, gender, and body composition.

Now that most of us are stuck behind a computer all day, our NEAT is decreased; hence the best ways to help with this is through increasing the activity throughout the day!

Stand up at work

Walk/ride bike to work

Take the stairs instead of the lift

Take more breaks to fill up your water

Take a small walk during your lunch break

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